
Mariya Kostadinova


My name is Mariya Kostadinova and from 2018 I am director of the Bulgariska kulturföreningen in Stockholm and the First Bulgarian school.
I have a Bachelor´s degree in International Tourism which I later complimented with a Master’s degree in Finance.
Since 2013 I live and work in Stockholm. In 2016 I enrolled my child in the Bulgarian school and in 2018 I have become an active player in the school´s management. We work together with the Bulgarian ministry of education in order to receive financial aid to help the school process and to expand the borders of the school. The Embassy of Republic Bulgaria in Stockholm is another partner of ours and with its help we organise different events and celebrations.

Nadejda Moraitis

Assistant director


Contact us if you have any questions about the school or you consider to enrol your child in our school.